16.3 oz Skippy Peanut Butter for $1.52 each at Kroger through 11/23! Normally $3.39


Through 11/29, Kroger has 16.3oz Skippy Peanut Butter on sale for $2.29. Buy two for $4.58 and use the $.50 off One Kroger 5X’s store digital coupon below (will take off $1). Then use the $.55 off two manufacturers coupon below and pay $3.03 for two or $1.52 each.

Click here to load a Kroger 5X’s store coupon to your Kroger card for $.50 off One SKIPPY Peanut Butter product ( 15-16.3 oz)(Store coupon that stacks with manufacturers coupons) (Use up to five times in a single transaction)

Click here to print a coupon for $.55 off the purchase of any two Skippy Products