$2 off any Two Tone Body Washes or Tone bar Soaps (16oz Body Wash for $1.88 at Walmart!)

Save $2.00 off TWO (2) Tone Body Washes (16 oz. or larger) or Tone Bar Soaps (6 pack)

The Coupon Expires 30 days from print (The print limit is two) The coupon states limit of one identical coupon per shopping trip.

Click here to print a coupon for $2.00 off TWO Tone Body Washes (16 oz. or larger) or Tone Bar Soaps (6 pack)

Walmart sell 16oz Tone Body Wash for $2.88. Buy Two Tone Body wash for $5.76 Use the coupon above and pay $3.76 for two or $1.88 each.