$2 off any Two Tone Body Washes or Tone Bar Soaps (6-Pack) (16oz Body Wash for $.92 at Walmart!)



Ex. 30 days from print (Print limit is two) Coupon states limit of four identical coupons in the same shopping trip.

Click here to print $2 off any Two Tone Body Washes (16oz or larger) or Tone Bar Soaps (6-Pack)

Walmart sell 16oz Tone Body Wash for $2.92. Buy Two Tone Body wash for $5.84. Use the coupon above and pay $3.84. Submit for $.75 cash back from ibotta twice and receive a $.50 bonus for redeeming twice. Final price $1.84 for two or $.92 each.

Click here to submit for $.75 Cash back from Ibotta on 16oz Tone Body Wash(Twice)