$2 off Two Dial or Tone Body Wash or Bar Soap (Back Again!) 16oz for $.99 at Kroger!

Save $2.00 off TWO (2) Dial or Tone Body Wash or Bar Soap (6-bar or larger)

The Coupon Expires 08-27-17 (The Expiration date may depend on when you print it) Print limit is two (The coupon states limit of two identical coupons in the same shopping trip)

Through 08/16, Kroger has 16oz Dial Body Wash on sale for $2.99. Buy two for $5.98. Use the $2 off two coupon above and pay $3.98. Get back a $2 Catalina. Final price $1.98 for two or $.99 each.

Click here to print $2 off Two Dial or Tone Body Wash or Bar Soap (6-bar or larger)

Kroger Catalina on Dial Products:
Buy two Dial or Dial for Men Body Wash between 08/06 and 08/23 and get back a $2 Catalina. As low as $.99 after the $2 Catalina. You can pay with a Catalina at Kroger and still receive a Catalina!

Through 08/12, Walgreens has Dial Body Wash one sale buy one get one Free.