$.25 off any One Pampers Wipes 56-150 Count (Back again!) (64 Count for $.74 at Kroger through 06/13!)


This coupon is back again if you missed it the first time it was available!

Ex. 30 days from print (Print limit is two per device) (The coupon states limit of four identical coupons per household per day)

Click here to print $.25 off any One Pampers Wipes 56-150 Count

Click here to print $.25 off any One Pampers Wipes 56-150 Count(Log in or register)

64 Count Pampers Wipes are part of the Kroger Mega sale and are priced at $.99 when you purchase 5 participating items through out the store. No need to purchase 5 Pampers wipes, Just 5 participating items throughout the store. $.74 after the coupon above