9.7oz Downy UnStopables or Gain Fireworks, In Wash Fresh Scent Booster for $1.99 at Kroger through 09/26! (Normally $5.49) Digital Coupon


Through  09/26, Kroger has 9.7oz Downy UnStopables In Wash Fresh Scent Booster  and Gain Fireworks on sale for $3.99 as part of the Kroger Mega sale when you purchase 4 participating items throughout the store. $1.99 after the $2 off Kroger Digital Coupon below. (No need to buy 4 Downy UnStopables or Gain Fireworks,  just 4 participating items).

Click here to load a Coupon to your Kroger Card for $2 off  One In Wash Scent Boosters product  (9.7oz and above), includes Downy Unstopables, Fresh Protect, and Infusions, Bounce Bursts, Dreft Blissfuls OR Gain Fireworks. Excludes all other sizes(Sort by Cleaning Products on the left to make the coupon easier to find)