High Value: BUY 2 GET 1 FREE 18 oz. Purex Crystials In-Wash Fragrance Booster (Max Value $3.99) $1.98 at Walmart!

Save $3.99 on any 18 oz. Purex® Cyrstals™ In-Wash Fragrance Booster - Max Value $3.99 (Available at Walmart)

The Coupon Expires 12/14/17, The Expiration date may depend on when you print it. The print limit is two. The coupon states limit of one identical coupon per shopping trip.

Click here to print a coupon for BUY 2 GET 1 FREE 18 oz. Purex Crystals In-Wash Fragrance Booster

Walmart sells the 18oz for $2.97. Buy three for $8.91. Use the Buy two get one free coupon above and pay $5.94 for three or $1.98 each.

The 18oz is $3.50 at the Dollar General. $2.33 each when you buy three and use the buy two get one free coupon above.