P.F. Changs and Bertolli Frozen Meals for $5.49 at Kroger through 10-31! Normally $8.99

Through 10/31, Kroger has 17.5-25oz P.F. Changs Frozen Meals on sale for $6.49. $5.49 each after the $2 off two coupons below when you buy two.

Click here to load a coupon to your Kroger card for $2 off two Bertolli Multi-Serve Meals, any variety (17.5-24 oz.) (limit one) Expires 11/21/17 (Sort by Frozen of the left to make the coupon easier to find)

Click here to load a coupon to your Kroger card for $2 off two TWO (2) P.F. Chang’s Home Menu Multi-Serve Meals, any variety (22 oz.) (limit one) Expires 11/21/17 (Sort by Frozen of the left to make the coupon easier to find)