Very Rare! 50¢ off Two Packages of any Betty Crocker Baking Mix or Frosting ($.54 Brownies and Cake Mix at Kroger!)

Save $0.50 when you buy TWO PACKAGES any flavor/variety Betty Crocker™ Baking Mix OR Frosting

The Coupon Expires 30 days from print, The print limit is two.

Click here to print $.50 off any Two any flavor/variety Betty Crocker Baking Mix OR Frosting

Through 11/08, Kroger has Betty Crocker Cake Mix or Brownie Mix priced at $.79 as part of the Kroger mega sale when you purchase 10 participating items. $.54 each when you buy two and use the $.50 off two coupon above. No need to buy 10 Betty Crocker, just 10 participating items. Be sure and buy Mega sale items in increments of 10 to get the mega sale price.

Walmart sells 6.5oz Betty Crocker Corn Bread & Muffin Mix for $.48. $.23 each after the $.50 off two coupon above.